Below is the latest information from the discernment team. To view, please click on each link. (Last update: 4/24/2023)

April 24, 2023 - Church Council Discernment Announcement


A letter from the Discernment Team - March 23, 2023

From a recent communication from the Holston Conference reiterating, for the second time, there will be an opportunity for disaffiliation in the fourth quarter.

“A subsequent called Special Session of the Holston Annual Conference in the last quarter of 2023 will be considered for the purpose of processing qualifying requests for disaffiliation under ¶2553 if there are churches that are not able to complete the disaffiliation process prior to the April 22, 2023 Special Session.”
Important Questions and Answers from UM News: Is the UMC really...? Part 6, Part 7, and Part 8





NOTE: Paper copies will be available in the church office.