Our Mission
Parents Day Out at First United Methodist Church strives to positively impact the community by providing children with excellent care in a safe, secure, and loving Christian environment. Programming is based upon the theory that play is an effective method of learning. Children will explore and socialize through various activities throughout the day. Read our handbook.
Attendance + Daily Schedule
PDO is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am - 2:00pm. Drop off begins at 8:50am and children are to be picked up by 2:00pm. Your child’s daily schedule will vary by age and will be appropriate to the whole class. It will typically include a short time of instruction with the teacher, time in learning centers, group time, snack and meal times, naptime, and indoor/outdoor playtime.
Tuition and Fees 2024-25
An annual $25.00 registration fee (per family) + $25 activity fee (per student) are due upon enrollment. These fees are non-refundable unless we are unable to place your child in a class.
Monthly Tuition is $225 per student. Tuition is due by the 5th of each month. Tuition is due regardless of illness or days out for other reasons. We offer a $15.00 sibling discount if you have two or more children enrolled in the program.
PDO Calendar 2024-25
Sept 24 Open House |
Oct 1 First Day of Classes |
Oct 8 & 10 FALL BREAK (no classes) |
Oct 31 Halloween Party |
Nov 5 STATE ELECTION (no classes) |
Nov 21 Thanksgiving Feast |
Nov 26-28 THANKSGIVING BREAK (no classes) |
Dec 17 Christmas Program |
Dec 19 Christmas PJ Party |
Dec 20-Jan 6 WINTER BREAK (no classes) |
Jan 7 Classes Resume |
Feb 13 Valentine’s Day Party |
Mar 25 & 27 SPRING BREAK (no classes) |
Apr 22-24 Teacher Appreciation Week |
May 6 CITY ELECTION (no classes) |
May 15 Spring Program | Pre-K Graduation |
May 20 Water Day! |
Sign Up
Register here or download the registration forms to print and fill out.
For additional information or to schedule a tour of our facility, please contact Donna Kelly at (423) 317-0174 on Tuesdays or Thursdays or email her at pdo@fumcmorristown.org.